
& employment

Training and Employment

  • We develop employment pathways for our people.
  • We strategically align for better economic leverage.
  • We will be bold and courageous in our own spaces.
  • We enable our people to become qualified professionals and contributors.
  • We are socially innovative and culturally grounded in our pursuit for wellbeing.


In the past, we have created opportunities with local industry and business to provide our younger generation with work experience. Matawhaanui still believe those career pathways still exist in our own backyard. That is why we are committed to advocacy and support in creating an environment that welcomes innovation, learning and up skilling of our existing and future generations.

Labour Force Development

From working in our gardens, to learning key skills in our health clinic, to providing labour hire in any of our work streams, our people thrive and build their sense of purpose when we invest in them.

Matawhaanui trust are dedicated to providing meaningful work opportunities with the right support to create longevity and dependable working relationships with all strategic partners.


Expanding our trades for industry ready employees is a key focus, especially as Matawhaanui Trust position ourselves into property management and housing. As our mission statement suggests, we recognize that Mana Motuhake across all trades will lead to a community that looks to themselves for solutions to create the talent pool required to self sustain our community needs.

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